
Recipes for Amazing Evergreen Content

A Cookbook for More Effective Content

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Evergreen content continues to deliver business results, long after it’s been published. Nearly 60% of the top 10 pages that rank in Google are more than 3 years old — and research suggests it’s also more likely to be shared on social media. But for content to stay impactful over the course of its lifetime, you need to become savvy in refreshing and repurposing pillar content pieces. 

Our latest eBook called “Recipes for Amazing Content” is full of tips to cook up effective, evergreen content. Grab your chef’s apron, because we’re heading to the kitchen! You’ll learn:

  • How to create more impactful content and keep it fresh. 
  • How to replicate the success of an evergreen content piece across channels.
  • A few tasty new recipes.

At Acrolinx, keeping content crisp and relevant is just one essential part of what we sometimes call “content fitness.” That is, content that’s achieving what it set out to do. Learning how to create better content that continues to deliver results long term has never been more fun – or delicious! 


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